35Friends 35Fans
female Madison, WI, United States
Alnisa Allgood is the Executive Director for Nonprofit Tech, where she provides organizational development, administration, and technology services.
allgood2 shares
16 years ago 1
The Girl Effect
allgood2 is
16 years ago 2
excited for all the WWDC 2008 coverage. Signed up to follow wwdc2008. Will use Summize, and of course MacDailyNews
allgood2 has
16 years ago
watched TV, taken a walk, feed the cat, worked a little, took a nap, talked on the phone and more, and it's not lunch time yet. I'm hungry!!
allgood2 says
16 years ago 4
Plurk is really slow for me. I've delivered 3 tweets, to 2 accounts, while waiting for plurk to post; then got slapped w/flood warning...
allgood2 is
16 years ago
there any way to see updates to convos you're participating in? The 'view responses' highlights any response, not just my participation.
allgood2 says
16 years ago 2
is there a way just to see responses to your comments. Something like replies. I don't want to have to remember what I commented on :-)
allgood2 gives
16 years ago 1
fair warning. If I recognize your avator from Twitter, I will send a friend request.
16 years ago
apparently kevinrose isn't Kevin Rose, dropped my friend request. Too bad, people are already using popular Twitter names to steal friends.
allgood2 wishes
16 years ago
shannonr welcome to Plurk!!! Hope you enjoy.
allgood2 asks
16 years ago 12
is there really no search function on Plurk? Seems kind of weird. How do you search for your Twitter friends?