21Friends 9Fans
female Sta. Maria, Philippines
part-time law student, part-time bum, part-time stalker, part-time joker, part-time part-timer
14 years ago
Yo sé que me quieres aunque no me digas
allelu is
15 years ago
back.. one week pa uli ang ipaghihintay e.. chill muna B-)
15 years ago 2
in view of the present circumstances, I will be off the social networking websites radar for a while :-D patulong na lang magpray friends :-D
15 years ago
quotes: "...the heart has reasons of its own which reason does not know." -Regalado, J.(Chua-Qua v. Clave, G.R. No. 49549 [August 30, 1990])
allelu needs
15 years ago
to focus on the tasks at hand.. :-D
allelu says
15 years ago 3
a woman hs the privilege of changing her mind bt this s usually allowed only in affairs of the heart whre the rules r permissibly inconstant
allelu says
15 years ago
minsan ang pinakatangang tao, e yung nagmamahal
allelu says
15 years ago
hello sunshine! :-D
15 years ago
read from a post comment: "Love needs to grow a brain."
15 years ago 2
continues to be happy :-D