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male Portland, OR, United States
Allan is a video and media producer in Portland, Oregon. I work for the Luis Palau Association ( I'm interested in just about everything.
allanwhite says
12 years ago
MAD crazy rush to the airport; the UA/Conti merge has purged our seating arrangements. Thx! #capitalismFail
allanwhite says
12 years ago
Starting day two of our Jamaica President's Council. Worship with Phil Wickham, now Luis Palau is telling the story of Paul.
allanwhite says
12 years ago
I... seem to be in Jamaica!
allanwhite says
13 years ago
The 5 band & BMX guys and I have stolen some Vespas and are rampaging through the cobblestone streets of Zürich. Züm!!
allanwhite says
13 years ago
Landed in cool, cloudy Zürich after a stunning dawn. We're going into town for an hour or two! 1 down, 2 air legs to go!
allanwhite says
13 years ago
Made it to Nairobi! Now for the baghaggle.
allanwhite says
13 years ago
Just wrapped the Love Burundi Festival in "the Buj" with a team I will sorely miss. Celebrating victories and friendship @ hotel. Joy!
allanwhite says
13 years ago
Another interesting pre-dawn cacophony: Frog chorus, roosters, awful strangled-cat howling.
allanwhite says
13 years ago
Watching bats playing tag around a blood-red crescent moon rising over Lake Tanganyika. Good hunting, bats.
allanwhite says
13 years ago
Up at the crack 'o dawn to cover the eye clinic outreach. A huge crush of people.