35Friends 17Fans
female Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
This is FemME cosmetics plurk account by alexis_purnama :-)
FemME_alexis likes
13 years ago
FemME_alexis loves
13 years ago
my husband..everyday is valentine :-) and also loves my femmes the loyal customers of FemME..
FemME_alexis wants
13 years ago
everyone feel a little bit of LOVE on this Valentine's Day...share ur love with gift from FemME! :-)
FemME_alexis says
13 years ago
branded cosmetics harga miringgg! cuma RP14.000! bsk hari trakhir promo! buruannnn cek FB nya FemME dan twitter FemMEcosmetics
FemME_alexis says
13 years ago
Happy Valentine's day!! Get our products for only Rp14.000,- today!!
FemME_alexis says
13 years ago
femME website www.fem-me.com has been updated! yippieeee
FemME_alexis loves
13 years ago
The MAC Lipstick on FemME..its new arrivals :-) check our fb,multiply,n website www.fem-me.com
FemME_alexis says
13 years ago
its been a long time since the last time we plurk..sorry for being missing in action :-P we're still buzzing the new products! check it out!
FemME_alexis says
13 years ago 1
thank u bwat smua yg jd friends FemME di plurk :-)