28Friends 24Fans
male Colorado Springs, CO, United States
Alex! loves
10 years ago
all the awesome stuff at the Arcade!
Alex! asks
10 years ago 6
what is the best way to find a family? I think I'm finally ready again.
Alex! needs
10 years ago 7
store names that have costumes for boy toddleedoos!
Alex! says
10 years ago
I'm home and exhausted. It was a good trip visiting family, but now it's time to see all the people in world :-D
Alex! loves
10 years ago
that Halloween is coming up!
Alex! says
10 years ago
Hello to all the people :-D
Alex! asks
10 years ago 2
good boy stores?
Alex! says
10 years ago
I need to add lots of people! Oy vey!
Alex! is
10 years ago
finally on plurk :-D