38Friends 9Fans
female New York, NY, United States
1 years ago 3
I am not home but from what I hear from DH, friends and on our local board the fire smoke is no joke. I cannot recall one time it was even half as bad as this.
1 years ago 5
In Prague still and walking around town this morning the place is littered with West Ham fans. Apparently some sort of big match here tonight. They totally took over Old Town square. All I can think of is Ted Lasso, which we did not get yo finish before leaving. But not a soul has heard of that show here.
1 years ago 10
The graduation discussion reminded me I need some graduation outfits. Each kid has three events on different days, two of them outdoors so weather could be anything. I have several pre-pandemic dresses that have been barely if ever worn, but do not love any of them.
1 years ago 15
Our building has yet to switch to A/C (heat and AC run on the same system) so it was 80 degrees in the bedroom last night. Needless to say not much sleep was had.
1 years ago 20
So G's campus was on lockdown last night, a first for us, after shooting on public beach right next to campus which left one teen dead and two seriously injured. Did not get all clear till almost midnight here and I could not sleep.
2 years ago 6
We had a really good trip visiting family, everything went great minus the weather and A really bonded with his cousins as they are finally at similar enough stages to have same interests.
2 years ago 12
Just curious, do any of you still see updates from your friends on FB? I almost never do any more, all I see are a few groups I follow plus a bunch of 'suggested' groups I have no interest in. Is there any hack to see actual people again, or is it time to just give up?
2 years ago 39
K's post reminded me, A has had this cough for over a month, no fever, no covid, flu or strep. But the cough does not go away. We have done Mucinex, various cough drops, Vicks cough syrup. Still there. Anyone has any thoughts on what else to try?
2 years ago 9
First world whine I realize, but we were supposed to have relaxing week getting ready for the holiday as there is no school. Alas, A is sick, which was inevitable with half of the school and half of his hockey team being sick.
2 years ago 10
Anyone has good ideas for stocking stuffers for teens/young adults? A is getting a charger and a hat, but I am stumped with what to put in G's.