105Friends 108Fans
male Philippines
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Zantetsuken says
11 years ago 3 Srsly? Dafuq bro
Zantetsuken says
11 years ago 3
Life w/o a problem is like a school w/o classes. YOU WILL NEVER LEARN
Zantetsuken says
11 years ago 3
Zantetsuken says
11 years ago 3
I'm just another PROMISE you couldn't KEEP
Zantetsuken says
11 years ago 3
Hearts will never be practical, until they are made unbreakable
Zantetsuken says
11 years ago 3
This sadness..
Zantetsuken says
11 years ago 3
when two friends become LOVERS, well, that's ORDINARY but when two EX-LOVERS become friends it is MATURITY
Zantetsuken says
11 years ago 3
Sometimes, the people whom we've known for only a short amount of time have a bigger impact on us than we've know forever.
Zantetsuken says
11 years ago 3
You may find someone better than me but you can never find another me..
Zantetsuken says
11 years ago 3
Don’t be desperate to find love instead save the best part of your self for the right person who deserves you at the right time.