Brown eyes
65Friends 79Fans
female Depok, Indonesia
one step ahead to be a perfect woman...Hopefully
Brown eyes
14 years ago 3
her office is blocking all fb account ...hwuahahahhaha...finally :-P
Brown eyes needs
14 years ago
a miracle from God towards....eeerr.... her life ...
Brown eyes asks
15 years ago
mandiri...mana ATM ku....*alamat ga bs ngambil uang bulanan dr suami ni... males mau ke Bank* :-P
Brown eyes
15 years ago
males ngeplurk...
Brown eyes
15 years ago 5
just realize that her karma is extremely down...from 95 to 49..oooowwhhhh GOD...*kelamaan honeymoon lupa ngeplurk* :-))
Brown eyes asks
15 years ago 6
is taking a vacation to Ho Chi Minh city a good birthday present?... (thinking)
Brown eyes
15 years ago
kesiangaaaaaannnn.... ga sempet masak buat sarapan deh... :-(
Brown eyes says
15 years ago
time will tell....^_^
Brown eyes feels
15 years ago
happy..dijemput hubby pulang kerja sore ini...:-)
Brown eyes
15 years ago
naek kereta pertama kali ke tempat kerja...*cuepet rek...sempat belanja sebelum ngantor*...hihihihi :-)