Geek Bunny
21Friends 58Fans
female Fairview, Philippines
( \ / )
(=^ ^) ~ i heart Twilight!
c( ( )()

Likes cute stuff. Loves Green Tea.
Is a Gamer. Loves her PSP.
Loves her Green Bear.
Currently addicted.

Geek Bunny says
14 years ago 1
Bathroom Dance by Bitoy -- to the tune of Bad Romance :-P Bubble Gang Bitoy Bathroom Dance
Geek Bunny says
14 years ago
Happy Star Wars Day! May the fourth be with you wahahahahaha
Geek Bunny shares
14 years ago 5
A Tiny Apartment Transforms into 24 Rooms The Transforming Room. This is giving me loads of ideas... next step would be the loads of cash :-D
Geek Bunny
14 years ago 3
I've been gone from plurk for a long time >.< had to mark all as read...
Geek Bunny
14 years ago 4
thanks Sheree and Diana for pushing me to watch Paramore! hehe la lang being emo
Geek Bunny loves
14 years ago 4
Hayley's voices and her non-stop head banging without missing a beat. She sings great live *heart*
Geek Bunny says
14 years ago 3
The man your man could smell like The Man Your Man Could Smell Like
Geek Bunny says
14 years ago
sorry for the toilet humor, but Happy Fart's Day! Lolol 020210. Got this from Marvin :-P
Geek Bunny says
14 years ago
ohhh~ there's a Filipino in Project Runway :-D I wanna watch