23Friends 15Fans
female Philippines
What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?
You Are Bold and Fearless

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic Type A personality.

You are u
aijhay09 says
15 years ago
Alowl!! computer SUCKS!!!
aijhay09 says
15 years ago 4
hi macy..=)
aijhay09 feels
15 years ago 9
aijhay09 says
16 years ago 9
hey hey hey!!! hi everyone
aijhay09 thinks
16 years ago 9
fire drill sucks!!
aijhay09 says
16 years ago 1
aijhay09 says
16 years ago 4
HOY andrew!!!
aijhay09 says
16 years ago
hehehe..!! (LOL)
aijhay09 says
16 years ago 8
bye guys!!! =) la namn nagrereply skn eh..huhuhu!!! :'-(
aijhay09 says
16 years ago 2
buti na lng kme tapos na LTS!!! hehehe...joke Macy!