soli kezu
2Friends 3Fans
female Kangar, Malaysia
soli kezu is
15 years ago
27 years young! (LOL)
soli kezu hopes
15 years ago
for the best! Allah will help those who seek help. Dear Allah please help me :'-(
soli kezu wonders
15 years ago
if she still can provide enough breastmilk to her son while working at construction site (unsure)
soli kezu is
15 years ago
going to be a career mama! (unsure)
soli kezu feels
15 years ago
bad for delaying what she should be doing (tears)
soli kezu feels
15 years ago
a lil' un-easy going to work un-prepared (unsure)
soli kezu wishes
15 years ago 1
her husband a happy 29th birthday! (K)
soli kezu is
15 years ago
a domestic goddess. yeeeeeha! (dance)
soli kezu is
15 years ago
happy as she had found the purrrrfect template**for the time being, ahaks** for both her blogs-solikezu + anak ayah&ummi. yeeeha! (dance)
soli kezu is
15 years ago 1
missing the chaos in her house when her lil bro n sis were around**xde sapa dah aku nak membebel huhu**