23Friends 38Fans
female Glen Rock, NJ, United States
I knit/cook/read/plurk.
I write patterns and recipes.
I'm into sci-fi/fantasy.
I'm the alpha geek in our house.
tastefldivrsns wonders
13 years ago
if I can convince The Boss to send me to YMN in Boston next year...
tastefldivrsns wonders
13 years ago
why is it on the days I most need coffee I forget to make it?
13 years ago
I totally forgot about Plurk until just now!
tastefldivrsns needs
15 years ago 1
a nap.
15 years ago
just got my LotStr package for this month! SQUEEEEE!!!!
tastefldivrsns thinks
15 years ago
Barnes & Noble just called her fat. Sent me an email with this subject: Cook Yourself Thin - Now in Stock.
tastefldivrsns is
15 years ago
going to sit and enjoy her Starbuck's before beginning the massive cleaning.
tastefldivrsns is
15 years ago
not excited about spending all day cleaning, but is really excited about *why* I'm cleaning.
tastefldivrsns is
15 years ago
done folding laundry and has *finally* switched out heavy sweaters for spring/summer clothes. Now, we have chocolate to celebrate. (mmm)
tastefldivrsns has
15 years ago
to go back to the LYS with a recipe for the owner. I'm taking the toddler, since she begged to "help do errands" with mommy this afternoon.