23Friends 38Fans
female Glen Rock, NJ, United States
I knit/cook/read/plurk.
I write patterns and recipes.
I'm into sci-fi/fantasy.
I'm the alpha geek in our house.
tastefldivrsns is
15 years ago
going to finish sorting buttons today, even if it's the only thing I get done.
tastefldivrsns is
15 years ago
a wee bit annoyed at Mother Nature for making me drive into town instead of walking by raining, then being all sunshiney just as I got home.
tastefldivrsns is
15 years ago
getting ready for a busy day.
tastefldivrsns is
15 years ago
so glad the husband is home. Kids ran me ragged today (highs and lows, but energy draining all around).
tastefldivrsns has
15 years ago 1
remembered that I made ice cream sandwiches with homemade chocolate chip cookies and homemade vanilla ice cream, FTW!
tastefldivrsns is
15 years ago 2
out of vanilla ice cream. Fail.
tastefldivrsns is
15 years ago 2
jumping on the "don't allow fans" bandwagon as of tomorrow -- if you're my fan and you're a real person, please go ahead and friend me.
tastefldivrsns is
15 years ago
going to have homemade vanilla ice cream on top of a fudgy brownie as soon as kidling #2 goes upstairs for nap. Nom.
tastefldivrsns is
15 years ago 3
back from plurkation!
15 years ago
and if you really miss me, check out my blog at www.afrayedknotknits.com