17Friends 16Fans
female Laval, QC, Canada
Y-hell-o! :3
'Could say that i'm an Asia fan, mostly Japan, Korea and Chinaa
I love music and mangas and food 83
I love my baby, Jürgen!! no matther what they say! You're in my heart, always, babe!
15 years ago
bibo!! <3<3<3
LouLUVS thinks
15 years ago
that you're the best in my life <3
LouLUVS says
15 years ago
wow, i really feel like this was my worst week ever~ rumors, bad notes, jealousy¸..
15 years ago
wow, i really feel like this was my worst week ever~ rumors, bad notes, jealousy...
LouLUVS thinks
15 years ago
ouuh, wow, it's been such a long time i didnt post anythimg here ^^;
LouLUVS thinks
16 years ago
that something broke between stevie and i... what is it about? :-(
LouLUVS says
16 years ago 1
LouLUVS says
16 years ago
it's hard for me to not be stupid & i feel like a slut, it's disgusting but..
LouLUVS is
16 years ago
followed by obama on Twitter, baby (dance) LOL i just find it funny
16 years ago
i officially hate kids at bday parties! Dx it was my lilbro's and another dude's party yesterday: 12? dun kid me, that dude is a retard!