Adstring Mods
13Friends 20Fans
Inner City, Adstringendum, United States
Official Mod Plurk account for Adstringendum.
Adstring Mods
9 years ago 14
The farewell log. That's a wrap, fellas! The final log entry, and with that, the end of the game. There will likely be a final little post to the OOC comm to say bye. :')
Adstring Mods
9 years ago 55
Mod post!! FINALE TO THE DEIREADH ARC!! See information inside for the endgame! There will be one more log posted in a few days for farewells.
Adstring Mods
9 years ago 16
FINAL FIGHT THREAD POSTED for the finale to the endgame plot!! Don't be afraid to ask questions here or on the linked post! :-)
Adstring Mods
9 years ago 14
[ENDGAME] A NPC post featuring some lovely ladies who are preparing everyone for their final fight!
Adstring Mods
9 years ago 3
OOC Plot PostPlotting to kill off your characters for the 15th never looked so snazzy.
Adstring Mods
9 years ago 5
Thalatte Post — the endgame begins to kick off! If you're planning on bringing back a character, now's an ideal time to do so!
Adstring Mods
10 years ago 78
Endgame announcements! Timeline, plot info, etc. c: