the frog。
38Friends 3Fans
female Milledgeville, GA, United States
i'll melt in your mouth. oh, i'm sorry. just so bad at introductions. hi, im tails.

adoricrack @dw

maka albarn
anarchy stocking

daida hibana
maka albarn
the frog。
12 years ago 3
now that more people are home, i think - replurking my new plurk unlaced .
the frog。
12 years ago 15
new plurk → unlaced
the frog。
12 years ago 4
today is most likely be another day of me just be in bed and probably sleeping on and off throughout.
the frog。
12 years ago 1
the frog。
12 years ago 6
i cant seem to fall asleep so i did this thing everyone seems to be doing. but mine is way different than everyone else's
the frog。
12 years ago 11
im beginning to think this particular cigarette brand doesnt exist anywhere but in georgia. cause i can not find any info on it or picture on the internet.
the frog。
12 years ago 11
itp: songs that make tails turn into butter
the frog。
12 years ago 3
the frog。
12 years ago 21
[camwhore] it's so hard to be pretty when you have so little to work with. realization: 1) omg i really DO look like my mom 2) i cant take pictures
the frog。
12 years ago 3
this video gets me every time. Chronicles of Narnia | Paradise