1Friends 0Fans
female Gaylord, MI, United States
I am Married to my High School Sweetheart...I have 3 teenagers & my oldest one Graduates this year!!! I'm so excited but sad at the same time because my kids are all growing up so fast!
add_i_tude12 is
14 years ago
Making Roast Beef & Fixin's for Aimee, Bennie, & Alecia & of course for my own family :-) Yummo!!!
add_i_tude12 wants
14 years ago
A Tim Hortons Cappaccino :-) Yummy!!!
add_i_tude12 says
14 years ago
Aimee how do i get my Karma to go up?
14 years ago
Marsha 09-28-10.jpg
add_i_tude12 wishes
14 years ago
My son could get his first deer!!!
add_i_tude12 is
14 years ago
Hanging out with Aimee & daughter Kayla :-)