11Friends 6Fans
male Chicago, IL, United States
I write young adult and middle grade books (mostly smart alecky stuff) and run ghost tours for a living.
adamselzer says
13 years ago 2
Reading up on the surgery I'm having on Tuesday...gulp....barely know what all they're doing!
adamselzer says
13 years ago
Millions of projects at once. Just the way I like it.
adamselzer says
13 years ago 2
trying to find a good set of headphones. Good, comfy, not earbuds (probably) and can be worn with a hat. Seems to be an impossible combo.
adamselzer says
13 years ago 5
I saw the president today!
adamselzer has
13 years ago
just returned from poking around an old silent film studio on the north side.
adamselzer is
14 years ago
struggling with a book decision. Should I bring back an old character, or start with a new one? Easy to either, hard to decide.
adamselzer is
14 years ago 9
Reading about what it was like to wait in an overnight line for tickets to see Charles Dickens.
adamselzer is
15 years ago
finding that he lives in front of an enchanted alley
adamselzer is
15 years ago
adamselzer thinks
15 years ago 2
ronni is hot