0Friends 10Fans
female Singapore
I HEART GOD& LOVE, CUTE, and twinny & all my friends in the world! ^^ &godma! :-)
achoomoomoo hopes
14 years ago
she can go out tmr! ^^
14 years ago
FOUND HER CALCULATOR! ^^ it was hiding!
achoomoomoo has
14 years ago
just lost her calculator! OMG :'-(
achoomoomoo hates
14 years ago
it that there's only 2more hours before Macs PROMO ends! :-( $5 MacSpicy set! :-( :-(
achoomoomoo wonders
14 years ago
if she should go and eat Macs for breakfast tmr!
achoomoomoo thinks
14 years ago
that the air outside is so smelly! (smells like barbecue without the food :-(
achoomoomoo has
14 years ago
just finished dinner! ^^ so full now.
achoomoomoo loves
14 years ago
that we have curry for dinner. (Although i still miss my McSpicy!)(woot)
achoomoomoo wishes
14 years ago
she had a McSpicy burger with her now. ;-)
achoomoomoo is
14 years ago
trying out PLURK! (if this appears on fb&twitter) (LOL) (LOL)