Should I not care anymore till you care for me first? omg i hate myself.
not i too pessimistic, is those words you replied made me getting so pessimistic
why why why why why why.
Feel like slapping myself, wakes myself up. ;'( Stop living in the dream.
Why are we become like this? Am i really causes for all these? So, is it my wrong?
Seems like only here then i can pen down what's my feeling because no one's here.
The feeling I've now is totally terrible. TERRIBLE.
My boyfriend and I knew that you're still important to me in my life, but both of us know that we will get through over this too.
I will keep you deep inside my heart & I'll start loving my current boyfriend eventhough the feeling was different as yours.
A, I hope you do enjoy your current life now. I hope you do moved on. I hope you will not regret anything else in your life again.