2Friends 2Fans
_angelcakes_ loves
15 years ago
sumwun who doesnt love her :-( :-(
_angelcakes_ is
15 years ago
sad :-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(
_angelcakes_ hates
15 years ago
life and her ex-boyfriend
15 years ago
misses micagley :-(
_angelcakes_ wants
15 years ago 3
a vege burger from da takaways by gulandos fuking yum
_angelcakes_ is
15 years ago 33
bored and has china eyes ahhaha
_angelcakes_ says
15 years ago 19
hey swyine flu boi u online
_angelcakes_ says
15 years ago 4
gulando is supposed to be doin essays..... shame on u!!!!
_angelcakes_ says
15 years ago
u still online hme .e .g gulando
_angelcakes_ says
15 years ago 5
gulando ma g sup