38Friends 49Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
I'm not a lady~ I'm just a little crazy~
but I'm kind to everybody!
Pepe shares
12 years ago
早知道就跳高一點了~~ XD
Pepe shares
12 years ago
Pepe shares
12 years ago
The Dark Knight Rises Official Red Band Trailer 2 [HD]The Dark Knight Rises Official Red Band Trailer 2 [HD]
Rise, Rise, Rise!!! 我的蝙蝠俠啦~~~ (dance)
Pepe says
12 years ago
書、書、書!!!! 我最近好想看書
請推薦我好書 陪我去旅行!!!! (但Brisbane圖書館可能借不到 /_\)
Pepe shares
12 years ago
The Legend Ends..... The Dark Knight Rises
12 years ago
考慮要不要買iPad 2 或是 等等等...等iPad 3... (thinking)
本來沒有想要買這玩意的....結果被一個朋友洗腦之故+最近真的很多書想看......所以.....要buy下去嗎??? :-P