...the weather really isn't going to get into the 80s for the rest of the year, is it? Well, I guess that's where this low-key constant shitty feeling has been coming from
[ gencon ] continuing on my 2 prior successes last year I've gotten someone to IC risk their life to protect me, I like this. Also continuing from last year, bought more Aesthetic dice I don't need. Good first half of the day.
The red line isn't going past Belmont oh boy I'm really excited to discover how the fuck I'm going to get to work! I sure do love the CTA, a functioning subway system!!
[exalted] solar hangover brunch topics of conversation: "what's the most efficient expenditure of life to ensure a peaceful transition of power via targeted assassination" and "keep those bottomless mimosas coming"
I found out the person I was hired to replace got hired for a (much better, higher-paying, more prestigious) position... that I interviewed for a while back. Fuck me.
my birth month has failed me, if I wanted sub-standard weather I'd take, I don't know, literally any other month. Why won't you give me this one, August?