23Friends 66Fans
male Singapore
Loh Wen rong,16
Love sports and hate reading storybook
study in westwood since 2006.best school ever =)
Love to make friends
easy-going person
My aim is to complete N and O level and go to polytechnic :-)
Nothing much

_AlphaRomeo_ is
14 years ago
going to be busy this two days
_AlphaRomeo_ is
14 years ago 1
jealous about his brother china mobile :-(
_AlphaRomeo_ says
14 years ago
_AlphaRomeo_ says
14 years ago
just wake up
_AlphaRomeo_ says
14 years ago
finish watching champions league:-)
_AlphaRomeo_ wonders
14 years ago
he need to say out everything?
_AlphaRomeo_ says
14 years ago
_AlphaRomeo_ says
14 years ago
_AlphaRomeo_ says
14 years ago
karma increasing 0.10 per day cool
_AlphaRomeo_ says
14 years ago
lazy to plurk liao