181Friends 52Fans
female NJ, United States
I make stuff for Second Life
Feel free to friend me if you're from SL

Zyrra says
7 years ago 7 @Edit 7 years ago
I just realized that today is my 13th SL RezDay.. awsss.
Zyrra says
7 years ago 5
Hiya everyone. I've been so busy in RL lately. It's nice to read up on everyone this afternoon :-D
Zyrra asks
7 years ago 8
I need a cute little mesh house that would be suited well for a lakeside setting. Anyone have suggestions?
Zyrra says
7 years ago 5
Zyrra says
7 years ago 14
I has a big sad
Zyrra says
7 years ago 5
my cat keeps complaining to me when the sun is hidden behind the clouds. She thinks it's me turning it off and on.
Zyrra says
7 years ago 5
I've been wearing this demo head over a month. https://i.gyazo.com/d23c30ec1e59853df7c8dbbd0aaf3bbd.jpg I should find time to go buy it and probably some eyes too. #SLproblems.
Zyrra says
7 years ago 2
My sister brought me GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!