6Friends 90Fans
female Laoag City, Philippines
Filipino. 16.

Name? Mizpah Grace.
[Mizpah: The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another. (Gen. 31:49)]

A sinner saved by grace, washed in the blood of Jesus Christ and justified through faith in Him.
ZimphaStorca says
13 years ago
the memory of that single moment makes me smile so wide. :-D
ZimphaStorca says
13 years ago
review and write and edit time. T_T
ZimphaStorca is
13 years ago
still so sleepy. (: Good morning!
ZimphaStorca says
13 years ago
canteen kuma, diba? XD
ZimphaStorca says
13 years ago
that fail moment when you accidentally reply to the Cambodian number instead of the roaming number, and lose 15 pesos worth of load. Haha.
ZimphaStorca says
13 years ago
ZimphaStorca says
13 years ago
changes are to be made. I hope it's a step forward.
ZimphaStorca says
13 years ago
mabain sa met. ALLA. Adda gayam babain na.
ZimphaStorca says
13 years ago
there should be a way to synchronize Twitter and Plurk. XD
ZimphaStorca feels
13 years ago
like Microsoft Word. No, really.