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female Second life
Flickr: Zee
2 years ago 18
I'm one of those people who hardly ever dream, or if I do I rarely remember them.

I started taking anti-depressant med last year after all the shit went down and now I have nightmares every night and worse, I remember them when I wake.

So mood-wise I'm functioning to pre-2020 level but at the price of scary/lack of sleep.
2 years ago 9
"Your Flickr account is in violation of our free account limits." Oops.
2 years ago 2
Watching Bad Vegan on Netflix and ngl if someone tells me they can make my dog live forever, I'd be willing to hear that person out at least.

Anyway, this doco is nuts.
2 years ago
A big real estate firm here is still using printed out forms with itty bitty writing space. Drives me nuts.
2 years ago 9
I love camping. But the worst part of camping is unpacking. We went camping last weekend (I didn't want to come home!) and in our genius didn't factor a free day to unpack. Just dump stuff in the lounge room and get back to busy lives.

Now gotta deal with this and instead of cleaning I'm daydreaming about camping again
2 years ago 1
New meaning to 'dumb' bells

2 years ago 4
Guuuyyys I got a side hustle for us all https://www.kidspot.com....
2 years ago 18
Sometimes when life is overwhelming and I need an otherworldly break, I go and pick a Quora in the wild.

Answer to Why are chiropractors not liked by medical practitioners? by Carrie Why are chiropractors not liked by medical practitio...
2 years ago 7
Coke promotes new pixel-flavored cola with Fortnite ... What would pixel flavour taste like? (gaha)