14Friends 6Fans
female Singapore
Hello(: My Name Call Shuhui , This Year Fifteen . My Birthday Is On 29Aug Whereas You Can Give Me Bdae Present On That Day . [Laugh!]
XiiaoGal says
14 years ago 3
haisss damn bored respond back those childish ppl ;dan
XiiaoGal says
14 years ago
wahh go delete leh ~ u finally write out my plurk name liao .
XiiaoGal says
14 years ago
aiya only ppl who say tt person meaning tt person more childish .
XiiaoGal says
14 years ago
that is yr prob den ~
XiiaoGal says
14 years ago 2
nb larhs i where gt say frenz there frezn here .
XiiaoGal says
14 years ago
of course everybody nt pref larhs , i just wan say u nt pref so u better dun say wo .
XiiaoGal says
14 years ago
rather write in plurk den tok on phone ..aiyoyo !
XiiaoGal says
14 years ago 8
like to say on plurk is it ? I PLAY WIF U LARHS !
XiiaoGal says
14 years ago 1
btw u haf no right to say as u nt my PARENT ..and check yrself weather u pref a not if nt prefect den dun tok so much .
XiiaoGal says
14 years ago 2
MIA my plurk le . Buaiix ! (wave)