10Friends 53Fans
female San Pedro, Philippines
I am a pleasure lover at heart.I feel that great food is like sex on a plate and go to long lengths to eat good food.My son, Sil seems to have picked up this habit too.He'd often ask me for strawberry or cherry cake,which aren't always easy to find.O
Yamietoots asks
15 years ago
where did all the people go? Are you now more in facebook like I am?
Yamietoots says
15 years ago
ha ha ha, my karma is back to 0 after I didn't plurk for the longest time.
Yamietoots says
16 years ago 3
cerumentric and I watched Stephen King's Christine the evil car last saturday.Man, it was sooo campy. Ha ha ha, not scary at all. :-(
Yamietoots says
16 years ago
please,no more TWILIGHT for awhile. Does anyone here feel just as TWILIGHT over saturated as I am?
Yamietoots says
16 years ago 6
look at my karma drop, bah humbug! ):-(
Yamietoots says
16 years ago 2
its going to be a long week end. Monday is a holiday for Catholic schools. Woo hoo!
Yamietoots says
16 years ago 2
sorry it took me so long to get back. I was out of work FOR A WEEK, ha ha...but then I had so many projects so it didn't really matter.
Yamietoots says
16 years ago 2
there goes my karma again! And when I reached 50! (angry)
Yamietoots says
16 years ago
I am finishing last turn over tasks.I am happy that I will work somewhere else where my talents would b better put 2 use. Yay! :-)
Yamietoots says
16 years ago 3
anu ba yan,I wanted to go but realize the file I was going to send was so large that I have to use sendspace.It is taking awhile to upload.