88Friends 56Fans
Sometimes we don't know if we're getting better or just used to the pain.

i am not your first neither would i be your last.

Y I TING says
14 years ago 1
follow me on twitter twitter.com/YitingNg
Y I TING says
14 years ago
twitter is better then plurk! (griltongue)
Y I TING says
15 years ago
now i can use plurk,the next moment confirm cannot again. (annoyed)
Y I TING says
15 years ago 3
follow me on twitter. twitter.com/YitingNg
Y I TING says
15 years ago 7
wont be using plurk anymore. Bye! (wave)
Y I TING wishes
15 years ago
Alicia Baoberh a Happy 16th Birthday! (cozy)
Y I TING says
15 years ago
using bro laptop i can use plurk,but my own laptop cant. (angry)
Y I TING needs
15 years ago
some fringe extention. who is willing to donate? :-(
Y I TING wonders
15 years ago
if she should head down to 289 to look for co. today. (unsure)
Y I TING says
15 years ago 5
back to plurk! :-))