39Friends 8Fans
female Singapore

XiuZHEN(: says
15 years ago
Im going to complain that stupid driver and let him get FIRED. (annoyed)
XiuZHEN(: says
15 years ago 1
Hellos, and im damn piss off by th driver of SBS 7289 P. Stupid sial him, i pressed th bell 2 times, and he never stop.(annoyed)
XiuZHEN(: says
15 years ago 1
Oh and btw, i've been a plurk user for 253 days :-D
XiuZHEN(: says
15 years ago
I only passed Amath and Physic among all my subject (woot)
XiuZHEN(: says
15 years ago
I passed Physic test, it's a miracle!
XiuZHEN(: says
15 years ago
XiuZHEN(: says
15 years ago 3
Hellos?! BYEBYE! (LOL)
XiuZHEN(: says
15 years ago
XiuZHEN(: thinks
15 years ago
that my eyes are closing, byebye then :-(
XiuZHEN(: asks
15 years ago 12
why is it so tiring when we have homework, and so bored when we have none? WALAO. :-(