Mister Cyborg
33Friends 7Fans
male Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Not Much to say
Mister Cyborg
2 days ago 4
Howdy howdy howdy.
Mister Cyborg
5 days ago 9
Anime Fans: Boy, Frieren and Dungeon Meshi are awesome! Fantasy anime world building can't get better!

Crunchyroll: Hold my beer.

Witch Hat Atelier | OFFICIAL TRAILER
Mister Cyborg
5 days ago 4
[UK POL] Labour Party are now in charge,...time to see how many seats in the majority.
Mister Cyborg
1 weeks ago 2
Morning all
Mister Cyborg
1 weeks ago 1
Howdy howdy howdy.
Mister Cyborg
1 weeks ago 1
[Work] Power's out at the office so my remote desktop is down...time to goof off and eat candy!
Mister Cyborg
1 weeks ago
Morning all.
Mister Cyborg
1 weeks ago 2
I sincerely wish to blame qzzus for making read a manga and making me feel things.
Mister Cyborg
1 weeks ago 4
Got referral to a surgeon for the gallbladder thing.

Turns out all my tests had me right on the edge so I had to push for this. Go figure.

I don't need an average of two hospital visits a year.
Mister Cyborg
1 weeks ago
Meme https://images.plurk.com/ZDCn171hqcFjFQjzr5UkQ.png Honestly I got no clue, I try to be friendly but I also know I can seem distant. So like, 4 on average?