6Friends 0Fans
female Bourbonnais, IL, United States
There isn't much I really can say about me. I enjoy reading novels of all kinds, sleeping until lunch time, laying outside in the warm summer sun; I enjoy being lazy, though then again...who doesn't?
11 years ago
Ahhh. Nothing like popping a pain pill and sleeping 14 hours as a result.
11 years ago 1
I hate it when I get the late night munchies for something deliciously fried and bad for me. No matter how strong my will, the cravings always win
11 years ago 7
It is honestly pathetic how terrible I am with social media. Most likely because I don't think anyone would be all that interested in what I have to say.
11 years ago 2
Guess who just passed her CNA final with a 97%? Hell yeah! I'm going to tenderly love the shit out of all of my patients!
11 years ago 3
Welp! My Karma is all the way back down to zero. Let's see if I can boost this up a little bit past the pathetic level.
WitchBitch is
12 years ago 8
finally getting back into the swing of things concerning blogging. Hopefully, I'll be more timely in my updates. HERP DERP