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Hong Kong
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向福島 50人致敬。日本的土地也是屬於地球人的土地,請大家也想想自己可以做些什麼,各自小小的努力說不定會引起蝴蝶效應。
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
文滙報:高才哭訴來港後完全不知到哪兒找工作,盼仿效加拿大提供各類支援If the job isn't there in the first place, no help is available to find one unless you find an investor who will invest in an institution which hosts such a job...
1 weeks ago 1
What's happening to the TwoSet Violin communityWhen you have millions of subscribers, people see the relationship differently. This is called diversity and leaders understand their role and limitations.
Normal musicians who know they are not top tier never consider their relationship with the audience that way and burn out is inevitable.
f♨ushed水母 覺得
2 weeks ago @Edit 2 weeks ago
The science behind winning a Nobel Prize? Being a ma...If societies were fairer, some of us are living on Mars by now
2 weeks ago
北都|元朗牛潭尾擬建大學城 百年古村恐被滅 居民:連我哋個廟都滅埋It isn't about no inherited rights anymore. Where is basic respect excuse me? Should the
Hitch hiker's guide to Galaxy be listed as recommended reading alongside all the political writings?
3 weeks ago 1 @Edit 3 weeks ago
The comments are so interesting
Fav one being: 一開始個起跑線已經係大部分人嘅終點勵志!22歲港女白手興家創業做老闆,開8000呎舞蹈學校
3 weeks ago
Cannot visit lihkg
f♨ushed水母 覺得
3 weeks ago
原來香港納稅人要向內地生每人貼十五萬People said HK education is good. But the fact is that it is not good enough to make money for HK, unlike UK.