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向福島 50人致敬。日本的土地也是屬於地球人的土地,請大家也想想自己可以做些什麼,各自小小的努力說不定會引起蝴蝶效應。
f♨ushed水母 好奇
1 weeks ago 2
AI could cause ‘social ruptures’ between people who ...No the problem isn't with AI. It is the precise definition of sentience. It will rupture human beings into different races, not by skin colour nor which country one's parents are from, but by mental abilities.
1 weeks ago
[盛事經濟]毅行隊伍風雨下行「泥漿滑梯」 參加者跣親仆倒無奈退賽 狠批樂施會罔顧安全不負責任Well, some of the replies probably were made without the knowledge that the time limit expects people to run for half of the distance. If they slow down to tackle the slippery mud, not only they will be using more time than expected, they will have to run faster in later CP.
1 weeks ago
Elon Musk 政府效率部X發文招聘員工 要有超高智商 每周工作80小時以上 薪酬:零Reply 11: typical applicant = rich people who wants to (retaliate) have way to quicker business progress
2 weeks ago
25歲以上仍單身的話終身禁止結婚 30歲未生仔就強制摘除子宮 日保守黨魁失言挨轟Fantastic demo why Japan is not leading the pack.
Sci fi will say everyone may have healthy kids anytime with the help of advanced tech we don't yet have as long as there is more than 23 years left in predicted lifespan. Not 18 because last 5 years normally not in good shape