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向福島 50人致敬。日本的土地也是屬於地球人的土地,請大家也想想自己可以做些什麼,各自小小的努力說不定會引起蝴蝶效應。
3 days ago @Edit 3 days ago
極右派才能救德國 馬斯克又失言Without an emphasis on freedom and trade from the gov, Elon will benefit from people using his products to sort out these pressing demands.

Will Germany be saved? The gist is what exactly the people there will be doing, not who is doing it or through what, that will actually produce the necessary effects.
5 days ago 1
【クラシカロイド 第2シリーズ】1話「カバと弟と音羽館」I know this is old but I love the new character and how Liszt saw through him in no time.
And yes it is historically true that no one likes Beethoven as a neighbor and Mozart was poor.
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
成本低可量產 澳洲新開發超薄熱電薄膜 可利用人體熱量供電Recycling waste heat will solve so many energy supply problems and raise energy efficiency in many applications.
Yes including reducing global warming -- recapture the energy from IR absorbed by building wall which heats up during the day will prevent the heat getting back into the atmosphere when the night comes.
1 weeks ago
回顧2024・市道篇|至少25連鎖品牌全線結業 本地薑佔11家 央企過江龍同遭殃There is one take-home message: those who are making cash flow are only getting less than half of what it used to be. The maximum earn that is possible is greatly reduced.