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向福島 50人致敬。日本的土地也是屬於地球人的土地,請大家也想想自己可以做些什麼,各自小小的努力說不定會引起蝴蝶效應。
f♨ushed水母 覺得
5 months ago
健身魔咒解鎖!科學家研發「運動藥丸」 模擬運動效果 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報And they will then test genes on this function and tell people who need to do more exercise to benefit from the effect.
5 months ago
「最淫亂國家」調查出爐!台灣排名後段班 冠軍跌破眼鏡It would be worth investigating how they got the data. How they select samples and how they ask questions etc.
For me, it might be a better way to estimate to
1. Find base rate of STD
2. Find STD spread rate
3. Protected sex rate
And then calculate sex partner number from above data by comparing adjusted spread rate.
5 months ago
《轉生貴族憑鑑定技能扭轉人生》#1 (繁中字幕 | 日語原聲)【Ani-One】I thought this is a lame story, but it looks like a parable of the HK miracle. People who have talent ending up in all sorts of deprived state but are recognized and taken into the system where they serve to their maximum potential, all these happening in a small piece of land.
5 months ago 1
中国遊客英國問路:「請問是中国人嗎」 遭路人翻白眼:我是香港人Bad etiquette demo.
X Are you Chinese?
O Can you speak Chinese?
X I am from HK!
O Excuse me, how may I help you?(In Cantonese, English or Japanese)
5 months ago 2
微軟舉台灣為例警告: 中國將用AI 干預美韓印大選 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報The most efficient way is to give emergency lessons to all people such that they understand the state of art and are wary.
5 months ago
國際航運界重整全球航線 香港轉口港地位將被除名That is why someone said it will be from zero...