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male Stratford Upon Avon, Great Britain (UK)
Brevity is the soul of wit.

WilliamShakespeare asks
12 years ago 17
See you where Benedick hath hid himself?
WilliamShakespeare thinks
12 years ago 3
Glory is like a circle in the water,
Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself
Till by broad spreading it disperse to nought.
WilliamShakespeare says
12 years ago
Thou hast pass'd by the ambush of young days,
Either not assail'd or victor being charged
WilliamShakespeare says
12 years ago 1
Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous,
By drunken prophecies, libels and dreams
WilliamShakespeare asks
12 years ago 1
Who is that calls so coldly?
WilliamShakespeare says
12 years ago 2
And thou must stand by
too, and suffer every knave to use me at his pleasure?
WilliamShakespeare says
12 years ago 3
O, 'twas a din to fright a monster's ear,
To make an earthquake! sure, it was the roar
Of a whole herd of lions.
WilliamShakespeare says
12 years ago 4
Decline to your confounding contraries,
And let confusion live!
WilliamShakespeare wonders
12 years ago 3
Will you walk in to see their gossiping?
WilliamShakespeare thinks
12 years ago
He uses his folly like a stalking-horse and under
the presentation of that he shoots his wit.