Lawrence Liao
2Friends 1Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
C.T.Bauer MBA 02',University of Houston, main campus
BBA,94' Tunghai University
Director of Marketing and Design Dept., Chauwei Construction +Development (2010~
Associate Director, CenturyDev (2009)
Director, Oversea department, Farglory(2005-200
Lawrence Liao
11 years ago
為了貪污腐敗的政客浪費國家社會資源, 難怪都不會進步!
Lawrence Liao
12 years ago
I thought you would enjoy this page in March/April 2012 (I found this page in March/April 2012)
Lawrence Liao 分享
13 years ago 1
The president is out of his mind.. 匪夷所思 頭腦不清楚
Lawrence Liao 正在
13 years ago
Lawrence Liao
13 years ago
Happy New Year.. It's 2011 soon.
Lawrence Liao
13 years ago
It's really chilly... So cold..