4Friends 0Fans
female France
I love Pepsi and double cheese burger
VitoMilo says
13 years ago
X'mas gifts are on the way coming from France today (woot)
VitoMilo says
13 years ago
has been very lazy recently. No productions yet.Only her.Are you crazy? How come you live like that?! Put yourself together and work, jerk
VitoMilo says
13 years ago
VitoMilo says
14 years ago 1
降为0了,庆祝一下。 (woot)
VitoMilo shares
14 years ago OneFang in Shanghai
VitoMilo says
14 years ago
VitoMilo says
14 years ago
VitoMilo says
14 years ago 4
“他只有十八岁 有孩童般的漂亮 也有成人般的强壮 这显然是个夏天 可我为了见到他却在数秋天的日子 我整理了头发画了眼影惹得他笑了只要他能靠近我 我会把一切交给他。”
VitoMilo shares
14 years ago
Dalida - 76 ans de mythe en 3 chansons... Dalida - 76 ans de mythe en 3 chansons...
VitoMilo says
14 years ago
I read some old emails, cant help thinking how come we used to have fun all the time,but not anymore. where the fun part goes? :'-(