Testing #Plurk status updates WITHOUT Facebook...
Testing #Plurk status updates WITH Facebook and...
Testing #Plurk status updates WITHOUT Twitter
Testing #Plurk status updates WITH Twitter and...
Two regrets I don't mind admitting: 1.) Not spending more time in Nature and 2.) for too much of my adult life, not having a dog.
R.I.P., Andy Griffith! (You were a COOL Southern Dude, Good Man!)
PROPOSAL: If you have friends who are diehard optimists with mistaken views, don't hit them with reality all at once. GRADUALISM can be good
You may aggravate people into buying from you ONCE but, you can't aggravate people into becoming loyal customers. (Deliver something good.)
The worst thing about our healthcare system is stressed-out, arrogant doctors. (I thought they were obsolete but, I just spoke with one...)
Bitterness doesn't come from old age. Bitterness comes from discovering that long-held beliefs are nonsense...