Princess Vi
83Friends 22Fans
female Chung Estates, Second life
I'm Vi, i'm Mama to Eliza and Coco, i reside in second life on my sim Chatsworth with my family, my dog Nuts and my cat Kitty Purry, i like to meet new SL folk, so add me and plurk like crazy
Princess Vi says
12 years ago 6
Happy Sunday friends and family
Princess Vi says
12 years ago
God i'm tired!!!!
Princess Vi says
12 years ago 8
almost 6am and i am wide awake!!! wtf is going on
Princess Vi says
12 years ago 9
Goodmorning Plurkitos, it's the weekend, time to party
Princess Vi has
12 years ago 2
had a very strange and sad day but feel like the right choices have been made. Goodnight one and all
Princess Vi has
12 years ago 7
a new friend \o/ welcome to the madness
Princess Vi has
12 years ago 3
just look at her planner for tomorrow and wished she hadn't
Princess Vi says
12 years ago 3
The past is history, the futures a mystery, now is a gift thats why they call it the present
Princess Vi says
12 years ago 1
i am going to be a princess and live in a castle, and ride a white pony and eat cake for breakfast and do exactly as i please
Princess Vi says
12 years ago 10
Good morning, hola, buenos días, bonjour, guten tag, dobro jutro,salut, Salaam Alekum ,aloha,ciào , bom dia , merhaba selam