Vebry Chelpya
54Friends 10Fans
female Kediri, Indonesia
Smile to the whole world, give sincerity to the universe for tomorrow that full of love
Annoying Orange - Talking Twin Baby Oranges
Vebry Chelpya says
12 years ago
lama tak login dgn ini......... :-) How are u, guys ?
Vebry Chelpya
12 years ago
laah...laah tmpilan baru og, keren juga :-)
Vebry Chelpya
12 years ago
ooopps...kok jd gni, ada yg salahkah dgn hatiku? ...ayo, ayo...sadar.
Vebry Chelpya
12 years ago 2
apa seh yg trjadi? Yaa Robb, permudah jalan kami slalu..
Vebry Chelpya
12 years ago 2
Itu kamu..
Vebry Chelpya
12 years ago
Kelar masaknya :-)
Vebry Chelpya
12 years ago
semoga menjadi hujan yg penuh rahmat dan barokah. Aamiiin.
Vebry Chelpya
12 years ago
waiting............................................ Kok lama yaa..!!
Vebry Chelpya
12 years ago
malah nonton final destination ditengah malam guardian jungle,
Vebry Chelpya
12 years ago
panitia istirahat tho, i'm so tired n sleepy