bucket list for when i'm an financially stable adult out of college: go to germany during oktoberfest with friends and drink some beer get 2-3 cats and maybe a dog travel the world go on a mushroom trip with my cousins guided by our aunt make a garden
my art teacher had a field trip up to the international ice sculpture contest in breckinridge very cool, my friends and i had such a fun time just fucking around
i have a classmate who is a liberal bisexual and is a trump supporter her reason? "i'd rather have every women in the us get raped and can't have an abortion than a genocide be funded" "i'd rather have gay marriage illegal than a genocide be funded" "i'd rather every gay and trans person be sent to conversion camps than a genocide be funded" i'm scared
my school offers mandarin french and spanish as languages, i'm taking french but next year i think i'll start a german club cuz my friends and i learn that on our own time and i love german culture
my newest dnd character: Arch- a fighter half elf Background: he grew up noble then right before arch's dad was about to die, he gambled away the family fortune so arch, having never worked a day in his life has to reclaim all of that money and play off the debt left to him in the will.
people come up with the weirdest nicknames for others, my friend for a while was known as chlymidia kid because her brother had it. my nickname is "lebanese lesbian", i mean.. that's what i am a lebanese lesbian