19Friends 7Fans
female Second life
shedding the ears, after all these years, and with them, hopefully the fears.
unelfified is
12 years ago
doing random acts of kindness today.. I just brought in 4 iced coffee's for my pod-mates.. they look confused and scared now..LOL
unelfified feels
12 years ago
unelfified shares
12 years ago
we are having epic 70's youtube battles at work.. Audience - I Had A DreamAudience - I Had A Dream
unelfified wonders
12 years ago 1
why the google car went down her street while it was still all nasty gravel, and then today they are repaving
unelfified was
12 years ago
having a crappy monday, but got some puppy therapy at lunch and it made it allll bettah
unelfified hates
12 years ago
that she has not been able to find her truck keys for 2 days.. I rode my hippy bike to work today.. wheeeeeeeeeeeee
unelfified shares
12 years ago
after 3 tries I finally got PS Elements reinstalled, now I have to add back all my actions sigh and then get a wedding finished
unelfified shares
12 years ago
GINJA!!!!! https://images.plurk.com/b7d59ee5d3ecf28e62f306fa9658954e.jpg
unelfified shares
12 years ago 1