4Friends 25Fans
female Champaign, IL, United States
Videogame QA tester, knitter, crocheter, and all around eccentric.

I secretly want to be a chemist.
TrueStar has
16 years ago
put in a resignation letter to her employer. It's about time to focus on school again.
TrueStar says
16 years ago
I voted early yesterday.
TrueStar is
16 years ago
trying to find a local harp teacher.
TrueStar feels
16 years ago
like she didn't get enough time off over the weekend. Still got to clean up the house, knit a bit, and play SaintsRow 2.
TrueStar has
16 years ago
to work a 10.5 hour day today -_-
TrueStar thinks
16 years ago
she pulled a muscle in her shoulder. Whatever it is, it hurts.
TrueStar is
16 years ago
listening to the Wheel of Time books while knitting. I cando two things at once! :-o
TrueStar thinks
16 years ago 11
Saints Row 2 is worth buying despite the lingering bugs and the fact that I work at the company :-P
TrueStar has
16 years ago 3
her retail copy of Saint's Row 2 today. I didn't do any work on it.
TrueStar is
16 years ago
starting up crunchtime at work. Blech. (annoyed)