252Friends 19Fans
female Olympia, WA, United States
7 years ago
Had to kill two spiders today, one of which was in my work car. Washington pls it should be too cold still for these damn things
7 years ago 5
Got my hair cut today and happy with what I got! Stylist was so awesome. Bought some hair products she recommended from a beauty store that should have it looking way better once I get some volume
7 years ago 13
I have a appointment tomorrow to get my hair cut at a salon. I haven't had a professional hair cut/style done in 22 years
7 years ago 4
I feel mentally fine and upbeat when at work but as soon as I get home it quickly plummets to where I don't do anything but want to sleep to get back to work again. I am frustrated to tears with this nonsense and is still another 18 days until Dr visit /rant
7 years ago 4
DuckTales First Look | DuckTales | Disney XDIt doesn't look all that bad!
Also David Tennant stars as Scrooge McDuck :-o
7 years ago 7
Looking for a credit card to put medical expenses on and slowly pay that off. Suggestions? :/
7 years ago 2
7 years ago 2
Paratransit called a "Code Red" which cancelled 99% of trips. You would think WA would be prepared for snow pfft
Tris is
7 years ago 12
ground beef that was thawed, then refrozen, then thawed again still good? (thinking)
7 years ago 25
Never filed taxes before until this year. Do I yolo-solo it, go to someone, use a program, or something else? #clueless