Hi to Tsuki
175Friends 63Fans
male Kebon Jeruk, Indonesia
The real world is just a crappy game.
The ideal world can only be found within a game.
But if an ideal can be found within a crappy game, there may be an ideal route in the real world, for me to discover.

-Katsuragi Keima-
Hi to Tsuki
6 years ago
Hi to Tsuki
6 years ago
Hi to Tsuki
6 years ago
it's going down.. :v
Hi to Tsuki
7 years ago
Hi to Tsuki
7 years ago
going back to Jakarta today, nothing interesting happened in Palu..
Hi to Tsuki
7 years ago
pergi ke Palu 3 hari survei Lokasi..
Hi to Tsuki
7 years ago
Back to Plurk, surprised that I still have 100+ Karma..
Hi to Tsuki
8 years ago 1
nothing interesting lately..
Hi to Tsuki
8 years ago 1
it feels weird, dulu kerja di Lab berdiri dan hampir gak ada istirahat, skrg jd Admin cm duduk seharian mantengin Laptop gak ada kerjaan...
Hi to Tsuki
8 years ago 1
Interview di tempat kerja baru...