95Friends 8Fans
female Winnipeg, MB, Canada
You don't need a $500 camera to take pictures in the mirror. Rape that sexy follow button.
ToTheTeensThat says
12 years ago
Once a bitch, always a bitch.
ToTheTeensThat says
12 years ago
I get attracted with the guys who can play guitar and can sing well. :-))
ToTheTeensThat says
12 years ago 10
karma down again? oh brother :-(
ToTheTeensThat says
12 years ago
Here's to the teens that are stressed out because of grades.
ToTheTeensThat says
12 years ago
Here's to the teens that have parents that care a little too much.
ToTheTeensThat says
12 years ago 2
Here's to the teens that feel like they can conquer the world when their favorite song is playing.
ToTheTeensThat says
12 years ago
I want a cool layout! Any suggesties where I could get 'em? :-)
ToTheTeensThat says
12 years ago
Here's to the teens that have a fake smile printed across their face.
ToTheTeensThat says
12 years ago 1
Here's to the teens that lay alone in their room sobbing for someone who will never know how much they love them. :'-(
ToTheTeensThat says
12 years ago 1
Saying to your friend "there's your boyfriend" when a guy walks past only because he's obviously disgusting. (LOL)