“We only get to be one person; we don't even get to choose that person. By the time we get ahold of ourselves, we are pieces already in play.”
“A dream dirty and bruised is better than no dream at all.”
“Like mold on books, grow myths on history.”
“Love is a luxury."
"No. Love in an element."
An element. Like air to breathe, earth to stand on.”
“Peace is more than the absence of war. Peace is accord. Harmony.”
“She moved like a poem and smiled like a sphinx.”
“Hey! My body may be small, but my soul is large. It’s why I wear platforms. So I can reach the top of my soul.”
“Have you ever asked yourself, do monsters make war, or does war make monsters?”
“It is a condition of monsters that they do not perceive themselves as such. The dragon, you know, hunkered in the village devouring maidens, heard the townsfolk cry 'Monster!' and looked behind him.”