- Stress, so many undone things, unsolved payment, unplanned lil parts of future, unapproved feelings. How to leave?
- Good Morning. Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light.
- Just like talking to a rock. Cause it doesn't
response to you. I'm giving up. Very soon. Is getting on my nerve.. I got better plans. ; )
- Just finish Gym and swim. now dinner then off to pyramid to collect products.
- Home Sweet Home. Tired! Great performance, trip, and experience with Ricole, Joey, Joe. *WHO WANTS TO SEE JOEY ANG DRUNK?!*
- 4th Performance starting soon. 5th and last show is at 8pm, darn long. Ricole, Joey, Joe and I wait till bored edi. Playing Wii!
- Off to Melaka now, for a 2 days performance with Ricole Kitodesu, Joe Ecx, and Popping Joe. Freeinsix Fix.
- I ain't choose to Dance, Dancin chose me. So I hit the track runnin, Let my moves bleed. Life ain't great now, but it's much improved.
- Got into Finals for BarraKuda and is in 30th June. So does Dexter Lovesto Partyrock, Leslie Dynasty and Ricole Kitodesu. Back to training.